VOLT2ELEVEN – Elite Fashion Shows 23.11.2013

The Volt2eleven collection certainly had the winning formula for luxurious femininity with a touch of Forties nostalgia which bestowed onto a stunningly glamorous sculpted goddess gown in black. The collection also featured charming, modest shapes with a touch of the flirty early Fifties era. The detailing was the golden rule;, with a black statement belt prettily buckled around the waist of a structured jacket. Long subtly puffed sleeves adding a vintage element to sheer blouses brought out a certain sensual but kept together romantism’ in the air. Wide and peg-legged tailored trousers provided a solid base for pretty tops that were accessorized in opulent but delicate jewels, not to forget the rich tweed coat accompanied with petal shaped beads. More ready-to-wear two piece outfits were also cleverly balanced out tight pencil leopard print skirt of which suddenly added plenty of curve. ‘Balance’ was definitely the key to this collection thanks to one of the Island’s best stylists backstage Jean Rostam Ivy Pozidis.

SarahJane Kyprianou

Fashion Columnist


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