11 fun facts about Monaco

Scenic jewel of Cote d’Azur and one of the smallest city-states in the world, famous set for James Bond movies and an epic meeting point of high-class yachts, celebrity hot spot and a legendary Formula-1 location… That’s right, it’s Monaco, baby! 11 facts about this dreamy coastline heaven coming your way.

The national flag of Monaco is almost identical to the flag of Indonesia. Both being horizontal biocolor of red and white, with Indonesian flag just being longer, that’s all.

Citizens of Monaco are not allowed to enter country’s casinos. Even though city-state is one the world’s premier gambling destinations with its infamous Monte Carlo Casino, government recognizing the ill effects of gambling forbids its citizens inside such venues.

Monaco’s population is only 38,000, while its national police force consists of 515 members, making it a country with one of the largest police departments per area and per-capita in the word.

Monaco has the highest concentration of millionaires in Europe. One billionaire for every 12,600 residents, to be more specific.

There is no income tax and no corporation tax for business in Monaco – a real tax haven, hence the previous point.

Lots of Hollywood movies were and are shot in Monaco. Well-known casinos, as well as fancy restaurants and splendid panoramas became sets for many movies, including notorious James Bond franchise.

Monaco offers the biggest display of in-water yachts In Europe. Annual Yacht Show takes place in Port Hercules and attracts over 120 yachts every year.

Spread on the area of only 2 sq.km, Monaco is the world’s second smallest country after the Vatican City (0,44 sq.km).

It is also the most densely populated country in the world.

Native Monaco citizens are called Monégasques and they are actually a minority among other nations living in the country.

Monaco is a proud host of the world’s most famous car race – Formula-1 Grand Prix – held every year at Circuit de Monaco. First race took place almost 100 years ago, in 1929.