Colds, flu and fever?

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Colds, flu and fever (that holistically treat the subject)

Our grandmothers, grandparents and our ancestors had no drugs available to them. Use natural treatment modalities and the “pharmacy of nature” which supplied them what they needed. Now there are thousands of chemical preparations which man consumes wasteful, misleading by the various interests of multinational pharmaceutical industries.


 A cold is a disorder in the respiratory tract resulting from exposure, with catarrh and invasion of microbial cleansers.


Common cold, coryza, cold in the head, etc are evidenced by an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, marked by an acute catarrhal condition of the nasal mucous membrane, a slight rise in the temperature, chilly sensations and general discomfort.


It is caused by viral or bacterial infection feeding on excessive or copious secretions of mucus (waste materials) often due to the body’s inability to properly assimilate milk and concentrated starches. When a cold or fever just gets started, it can be cleared up very easily, if the following procedures are started immediately.

  1. Stop all foods and beverages (if we go to the animal kingdom mammals when they are sick they stop eating). Take a high enema (catnip is good) and drink only red raspberry leaf tea. It is good also to drink distilled water between the tea. Also some good organic vitamin C may be used or drink orange juice, rose hips and cayenne pepper. It is possible to use quarts of red raspberry leaf tea during that day and nothing else, for adults it is advisable to continue for 3 days only on this tea. This will be a good cleansing of the body. If red raspberry leaf is not available then we use peppermint or elderflower. The great English herbalist Mr. Henry Box of Plymouth, for colds, influenza, fevers, inflammation of the brain, pneumonia, stomach, bowels or any part used 50% of elder flowers mixed with 50% leaves of peppermint and made tea out of this mixture.
  2. Secondly we advise you to fill the bath with hot water and add cayenne pepper and ginger. These two herbs help the body to sweat. You sit in the bath and drink a lot of diuretic tea like red raspberry leaf, peppermint, mint, elderflower, thyme, wild thyme, wild oregano etc. This procedure is advisable also if you have a fever. What we want it to make the body sweat thus taking out the toxins from the system. When you sweat from the forehead it is a clear sign that the whole body is sweating. Try to stay as much as possible in the hot bath but never stop drinking your herbal tea. Then you make a cold shower and you go to bed.(be careful not to faint when you get up from the hot bath). When the person has fever from the holistic point of view we do not want to reduce it. This means that the body has being invaded by viruses or bacteria so the defense mechanism of the body is increasing the body’s temperature so as increase the production of white blood cells and plateles that will defend the body. Imagine that the body is at war and by increasing his temperature its soldiers are multiplying at a high speed thus having a higher chance to win the battle. DO NOT FORGET WE WANT A HIGH WET FEVER, that is by drinking a lot of hot herbal tea.
  3. when the person gets into bed we can add Vaseline mixed with garlic like a paste and add it to the legs of the patient. Do not forget that garlic is the natures antibiotic.
  4. Use 2-4 capsules of Echinacea every 3 hours.
  5. Use 2-4 capsules of garlic every 6 hours
  6. Use 6 capsules or more of cayenne per day.
  7. Use onion poultice on chest to help with breathing.
  8. Dr. Christopher’s Anti-Plague formula 1-2 Tbsp. every hour or two while awake. Use the X-Ceptic by rubbing the skin, sen sei ointment, Anti spasmodic tincture rub the throat, chest and back at night to help with breathing and coughing.
  9. Eucalyptus Oil – put several drops into a hot water vaporizer, this helps to open up breathing and slow down coughing.
  10. Keep the bowel cleansed – make sure the bowel is open and cleansing – this can be down with fresh juices, herbal aids or with an enema.

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